Clogged Milk Duct Remedies - From Followers
Just wanted to put these on the blog so you have access to them if you are ever to need them! These were some of the tips that you guys had to help resolve clogged milk ducts: (literally just typing out your answers from my story post, so you will see multiple of the same answers)
Just a note: a lot of people said to pump more, but milk works on supply and demand, the more I pump, the more milk I make, the more likely I am to get clogged, so that’s just a personal tid bit. I still pumped, but I did the same amount I normally did and then used a vibrator and hot showers with hand expression. Also the epson salt in the haaka!!
Haaka instructions at the bottom
Use a vibrator on duct and pump (this works - I used this technique lol)
Hot water in the shower for 20 mins while massaging your boob and then pump afterwards or breastfeed on affected breast.
Dangle feed
Massage/squeeze milk out in hot shower if you have oversupply -godspeed
HEATT even a heating pad for your back, just cover the bobbies with it and hand express
Hot showers, epsom salts in warm water in haaka (will describe this in more detail below)
Warm compresses and pump, pump, pump.
LaVie roller and warmers SAVED my clogged duct life. Sunflower lechtin
Heated gel packs
Massage in hot shower
It’s going to sound stupid but, use a vibrator in a super hot shower and massage it around the duct
Epsom salt balth
Epsom salt water in hakkaa, dangle feeding, massage, warm compresses (combination of all)
LaVie massager
Epsom salt and hakka
massage while pumping and while baby eats (this one hurts like a bitch, but works - did this too)
Keep feeding like normal! Use heating pad and massage to help unclog
Hot water, heating pad, pump, massage, baby breastfeed. Pumping on high helped me.
Warm saltwater soak (express into a bowl- as hot as you can manage) + sunflower lecithin
Haaka - put epson salt in bottom fill with warm water it will literally draw out the clog. Also warm compresses, before you nurse and ice after
Hot compresses, massage and massage in shower, if all else fails - manual express.
LaVie lactation massager in hot shower
Sounds crazy but get on all 4s and lay baby under you to nurses - it helped me. Also pump while rubbing the clogged duct area - painful, but works
I used to just rub my boob a lot and pump more and heat
Hot compresses and massage & breastfeed / pump
Pump with boobs hanging under like a cow.
Hot shower and massage down and out
Heat pads/warm damp cloths.. worked like a charm for me
Wrap your boob in a hot towel and try to feed/pump more from affected side
Hot shower and use a comb over the clogs - or use a vibrator on the clogs, also talk to your doc or lactation consultant about taking sunflower lecithin - helped me avoid mastitis. Happy duct is also supposed to be good but I didn’t take it once lecithin helped me avoid clogs.
Do you have that warm booby compress thing you can buy? Massaging and baby feeding is number one
A heat pack fixed and nursing helped mine!
Electric toothbrush! @karrie_locher
As gross as it may seem, have your husband suck it out - my husband did it for me
Hand express and look for hard white and squeeze like pimple
Vibration and warm showering then nurse only that side you can see the blockage
The birds papaya used her vibrator
Sunflower lecithin, epson salts and warm in haakaa, massage
Lecithin capsules. Take three then latch baby all the time. He will drink it out
Lecithin, hydration, vibration
Gravity feeding! It’s super weird and awkward but go on all fours with the baby under you so your boob is literally hanging in his mouth (I didn’t let my husband watch lol)
Sunflower lecithin from legendary milk
Place baby’s chin/nose towards the clogged duct. water, water, water
Sunflower lecithin, PUMP epson salt bath, massage, cold compress and heating pads
Sunflower lecithin daily, heat before and while pumping, massage, dangle and pump
Cabbage leaves on your boobs
Haaka Instructions:
Fill your Haakaa with enough warm water to make contact with your nipple. Make sure that the water is warm but not scalding hot so you don’t burn yourself.
Add one or two tablespoons of Epsom Salt.
Attach your haakaa to the blocked breast and allow the combination of heat, the salts and suction to help remove the clog.
Keep the pump attached for between 10-15 minutes. You may need to repeat several times for large and/or stubborn.
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