Moms are allowed bad days

Snapped this photo the week both of my babies had RSV.
I felt defeated. I felt exhausted. I felt guilty. Guilty for the amount of times I snapped on my toddler for whining. Guilty for the extra screen time he was allowed so that I could minimize “scream time” because I just needed a break. And guilty for the amount of times I wished time would speed up to when they were feeling better. Then, guilt for even feeling this way when some moms deal with SO much more on a daily basis.
To the moms who power through days with chronically ill children, you are the real superheroes. I do not know how you do it.
My heart goes out to all the moms struggling through something right now.
Just please remember that having a bad day doesn’t make you a bad mom; it makes you human. They will love you anyways.
You’re doing amazing, mama.