Potty Training Responses


In regards to the Potty training question that I posted: “For Potty Training - did you guys use: Insert for Toilet or Mini Potty” these were some of the responses from other fellow mamas:

  • Both! Depending where he spends majority of the time. But on top of the potty is just better I think BC now he puts it on himself, gets on the steps and sits down. 

  • We did both but Noah dragged his potty into lying room so he wouldn’t miss cartoons; bribes with dummies he’d do anything for a gummy

  • My son wouldn’t use the mini potty. He was at daycare while potty training too - so all of a sudden he came home saying “no mommy I stand” so we got him a stool and he leans over holding the top of the raised seat

  • I learned from my sons developmental school that if you train them on a mini potty you have to then train them on a regular toilet so you are just doing double the work. Forget the mini potty and get him used to the regular toilet with a seat!

  • Former inpatient RN, my bedside commode days are OVER!! Munchkin insert for the win!

  • I have the mini potty and fur us int doesn’t work because he gets up and runs away. The insert for the potty is great because he can’t get down, sits with his iPad or book and does his business. Granted my son younger, he is only 14 months so, maybe it’s because of that. But ew are doing great with the insert.

  • I have two mini potty’s and one of them the seat comes off and can attach to the toilet to transition. BUT she refuses to go anywhere near them yet, and the one day that I attempted the “naked” three days training method I gave up by 11am and desperately needed wine.  I’m also a single mom, so I imagine potty training is easier with two adults around! lol. 

  • Don’t do the mini potty. It’s disgusting cleaning it out. I went straight to the toilet with Roman and it was perfectly fine. And he loved being able to flush it himself. Plus then you dont’ have to retrain them to use the big toilet.

  • BOTH!!! lol. Anything and everything. Keep his ass naked. Easiest way to do it. Put an alarm on every 15 mins and lower it by a couple mins everyday until he gets used to oit. I dunno that’s what some genius told me and shit worked in 3 days. Sucks regardless. Good luck - you will need it.

  • Fuck the mini toilet… then you have to transition to the big toilet. It is like training twice and you are still cleaning poop! Check out the ladder insert seat on amazon (no judgement if you end up with the mini) 

  • Both… but to start the mini potty is much better in my opinion. They can sit down themselves on it without you having to pick them up …e even if you have a step stool my guy had trouble getting on the big potty. Also their tiny butts just don’t fit as well. Later, we transitioned to the potty seat. Also, just a tip… In public have him stand on the toilet seat and pee soo much easier than trying to hold them up.

  • Mini potty to get them interested, naked, reward, reward and reward yourself every time with alcohol. Also, pick up resolved; because undoubtedly he will pee on your couch. 

  • Started out with the insert but she didn’t care for it like would kick and scream then got ta mini potty and she loved it! Was potty trained in 4 days.

  • Don’t do the mini just go for it on the big potty. Seemed to work for us, but not with pooping. Took forever some reason it’s that way for boys.. we just put him on the big potty facing backwards so he didn’t pee everywhere and he could hold on and we would put stickers in the seat for him to look at.

  • I have heard that certain kids you will need to retrain when you go from the mini potty to the big potty, so we just went straight for the big guy cause I ain’t doing that shit twice.

  • It’s definitely a process .. I even brought the mini potty along and had him pee int he back of the SUV. Before we’d go into places. Just have zero expectations and take your time …honestly .. he won’t be in diapers when he’s 7. This book is super cute and helped us Potty : https://amzn.to/3c7TaCs

  • We used this potty training stool

  • Keep him naked as often as possible. My little boy kept having accidents in his pants and wasn’t bothered. But if he had a nude accident he learned to stop it and go potty. But puppy pads too for the car seat, etc.

  • Get the kids urinal from Amazon - link here.

  • We got some great advice from our pediatrician- make some new rules: diaper changing is mommy and daddy’s decision and going to the potty is his decision. Then make changing his diaper very inconvenient at least once a day (I.e. during play time, during his favorite TV show, when he is having fun). Took one week and our son totally got it! Made it easy on us!!

  • Look into the 3 day method… super messy the first day (at least for us it was) but it somehow worked. I was so skeptical but I literally stayed home for 3 straight days and did it. At the time 3 days sounded crazy, now that’s totally normal lol good luck. Oh and lots of wine which you already have. Also get him trainer undies with his favorite character. I would tell Brady Elmo doesn’t want to be wet, he’ll be really sad.

  • They make something that is a shade between a cloth diaper and underwear. That way you have a little more protection when you ditch the diapers.

  • Not sure if it was mentioned, but get the Summer my size potty! My two youngest boys used that and were both potty trained before they were 2 just by using the potty and encouraging them to go.

  • Get a potty that looks like a legit potty. Have HIM “toss” the diapers. Ironically, keep him naked. Be prepared for a shit show. It’s perfectly acceptable to drink around the clock during this time - so keep your Scout & Cellar on hand.

  • Something that motivated Noah - he loved gummies so we used that when he would go on the toilet - he would carry his toilet in the living room - no underwear nothing around the house - once you start no diapers at all they need to feel wet otherwise they wont get the concept pee on all things.

  • Lots of great tips above, I would like to add to take into account your child’s personality. My daughter is SO social and after 2 failed attempts, what worked was having her in preschool and seeing all the other kids use the potty. After a week, she was potty trained! My son, on the other hand, is more independent and determined. When he was 22 months (!!!!) he ripped off his diaper and said no more diapers. Took longer, but we just kept on trying. He also likes to “race” my husband while peeing on the potty. I think the dad/male influence was really important.

  • Lots of washing powder and spare undies!! We did it just before 2.5 and by day 3/4 it got a lot easier. He then got out of night nappies about 2 months later. I just noticed he had no wet nappies at night so started putting undies on him!

  • All I can say is GOOD LUCK! We tried when Mark was 2.5 and it was a shit show (literally) and all of a sudden at 3 he was ready and it went well!

  • M&Ms! Seriously. That’s what I did for Emma. I’d give her 1 or 2 for going pee pee and like 4-5 for poop.

  • We did three days, straight to underwear no pull up no diaper. She had some night-time accidents for like two weeks but totally worth it. Big potty only! We did fruit snacks for pee and somehow she talked us into a cookie after poop.

  • Cannot recommend reading/listening to the book “Oh Crap, Potty Training” enough!! We tried and quit twice with G. There was a lot of frustration and rebeling at first. But day one of trying after this book she was going on her own. We still deal with occasional accidents in week 3, it’s not magic, but it is so much better than before. No brides, candy or timers.

  • Lots of wine. Which I know you have covered already. But in all seriousness, potty training scared me. I tried once at like a little before 2 and it was a mess. I just figured she wasn’t ready. So we tried again at 2.5 years and it took three days. We went straight into underwear (pull-ups at night). We used jellybeans as a reward and that seemed to work best for us. I also got like stupidly excited every time she would do something on the potty. Like i’m sure she thought I was insane lol but I really wanted to hype it up for her.

  • My only tip- wait until he’s 3. Boys need to be a little older to really get it.

  • Reward system. Shadowing daddy. Little potty in living room. Don’t use pull-ups jus t go naked and use diapers at night.

  • Yep. Order more wine! To be honest my kid was easy but I figured it he just liked it on the regular potty but facing the tank. That’s what did the trick.

  • Have him try it standing. Make a huge deal about it!! Bribery works best.

  • Shit ton of wine, like closetssss full and tequila. That’s all you need. God speed.

  • We tried at 2 and failed. Waited until she was more aware of when she went and at 3 years old she was potty trained in like a day, even at night. Offered an M&M if her diaper was dry in the morning. Don’t force it if it doesn’t come, just wait and try again later.

  • Being naked is a great way to help learn!

  • Put cheerios in the toilet and make him aim for it. Makes it fun and he will want to go to the bathroom