Breastfeeding Gadgets


If you read my blog on breastfeeding, then you know the struggle I went through. Here are some gadgets that helped me throughout my breastfeeding/pumping journey. Both are hard and time-consuming, but anything that can make it a little easier goes a long way.

  1. Haakaa Hand Pump: My best friend Kristina got this for me and I couldn’t have been more grateful. You don’t realize how much milk you’re actually leaking out of the unused breast when your baby is finally latched. All of that is wasted milk if you aren’t catching it. It also can be relieving for those who are over-producers and are dealing with your unused breast exploding while your little one eats for what can sometimes be 45 minutes. This way, you are killing two birds with one stone. Make sure you watch the YouTube video to see how to properly place this gem. I didn’t realize I was doing it wrong for almost 4 months, and had so many incidents where Anthony accidentally kicked the Haakaa, or where I got up without checking to make sure it was completely secured on my breast. THERE IS SUCH THING AS CRYING OVER SPILLED MILK, AND IT’S USUALLY AT 4AM AFTER YOU HAVEN’T SLEPT IN A WEEK. I’ve linked the video here so that you don’t have to search.

  2. Lanolin Nipple Cream: I used this in conjunction with leaving some breastmilk on my nipples after every feed. If your baby has a tough time latching, I’m sure you noticed the blisters starting to form on your nipples. These are NOT fun. Anthony took to one breast better than the other, and it was so painful after a couple of feeds because my nipple was literally cracking. This helped soothe and was safe for Anthony, too. But, if I’m going to be 100% honest, try to remember to squirt a little breastmilk on your nipple after every feed, too. Also, switching breasts for every feed helps not only to distribute the milk better, but to give your nipples a break. I know that it’s hard to remember which side you left off on. What I did was keep a hair tie on my wrist, and after every feed I would switch it to the wrist on the side that I should use for the next feeding. This took out all the guesswork. When you’re sleep deprived and the baby is screaming, it’s hard to remember where you left off last time.

  3. Pump Strap Hands-Free Pumping Bra: Honestly, I don’t know how anyone ever pumped without using one of these. It is literally impossible to sit for 45 minutes HOLDING your pump in place. This gadget allows you to attach your pump securely so that your hands are free, for once.

  4. Spectra Pump: Pro tip: you may be able to qualify for a free breast pump through your insurance on I got this one as a gift from my baby shower and I really liked it. Unlike some of the other pumps, you can actually carry this one around with you. I liked having the ability to do that because sitting down for 30 minutes at a time is just not ideal for me, especially after sitting during the feeding as well. I also liked how it has a light to use at nighttime.

  5. My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow: Ugly, but effective. My friend sent me this as a surprise in the mail after I told her what a hard time I was having getting Anthony to latch. It helped her as well, and I know plenty of other mamas that have sworn by this, too. I actually just recently found out that this pillow is suggested by lactation consultants. I never took to the popular “boppy” pillow. This one helped me with my posture a lot and also just made positioning Anthony so much easier than anything else that I tried.

  6. Rocking Chair: I wasn’t going to purchase one of these at first. I figured, why did I need one if I had a couch? But, honestly, I LIVED on this thing for the first 4-5 months. It was so nice to have, not only because Anthony liked being rocked, but also because, if he fell asleep while he was nursing, I was able to recline back and get more comfortable. I linked the one that I got from Target. It did the trick. I suggest putting it in your living room so that you can watch TV with your partner or friends when they’re over. I didn’t move it into his room until around 9-10 months when we stopped breastfeeding. Now, I use it to read him stories before bed. For the price, I definitely got more than enough use out of it.

  7. Willow Breast Pump: I am planning on doing a separate post on this eventually to get into more detail about my opinion on this pump. I liked how I could take this with me on the go so I could pump in the car while I was driving. There’s nothing worse than being stuck in traffic, 30 minutes away from your home, with exploding boobs. I also figured, I’m going to be sitting in the car anyway, I may as well kill two birds with one stone. It is not as discreet as it is made out to be, but it is very convenient. I will say that it does get pricey having to purchase the special baggies for the device rather than having a reusable bottle like the non-portable pumps. This can add up quickly, especially if you don’t produce a lot of milk. You can’t reuse the bags, and if you’re just pumping 1-2oz at a time, it’s really not worth it. On the opposite end, if you are an over-producer and produce 4oz or more each session, these bags may be too small for you and you’ll have to use multiple bags per session. Basically, I took this one with me when I was heading out, and at home I solely used the Spectra.

  8. Miracle Milkookies: I was obsessed with these; they taste SO good. I had to hide them from my husband because they were so delicious. They are a little pricey if you use them for a while, but I felt that they really did help me get my milk going, and kept it going when I noticed that my milk supply was decreasing a little. I started to bake my own, but it was so nice to have these delivered once a week instead of having to find the time to bake and then clean up the mess I made from baking.

  9. Nursing Pads: This is nice to have in your diaper bag because it’s never fun when you’re standing in line at a bagel place and your nipples start to leak. I learned this the hard way. I didn’t think I was going to need these, but I did. Walking around with your nipples leaking through your shirt isn’t the most attractive, nor is it exactly a confidence booster. I liked these because they were disposable. I did try the machine-washable ones, but I felt that they were a little too thick and I could see them through my bra/shirt.

  10. Water: Water is key, ladies. Yes, peeing every 15 minutes isn’t ideal, especially when you finally have your LO latched, but it’s so important to stay hydrated while nursing.