Why I Started This Blog

I remember scrolling through my Instagram, 2 weeks postpartum after having my first baby, and thinking to myself - how are these other moms dressed with makeup on and hair done 2 days after having their baby? Am I not measuring up? Am I missing something? Am I doing it wrong? What is happening?

Their houses are clean. Their babies are in cute ass outfits, and they look like they belong on a magazine cover. Where is the woman that just popped out a baby?

I literally felt like I was failing. There I was, dressed similar to how I’m dressed in this photo with baby #2, with spit-up matted in my hair, a nursing bra, and underwear. Some days I didn’t even change out of my PJs - but you get the gist.

The more time I spent on Instagram, the worse I felt. Slowly the idea of this account began to form. I was surrounded by people, but felt alone in so many aspects of my postpartum journey. I was lucky enough to have two friends who had babies at the same time and was able to confide in them and be myself around them. I realized that we couldn’t be the only ones who felt so similarly.

I wanted to create a platform that could be relatable, that could help new moms feel less alone - and that would also be helpful with navigating all of the new things that come with motherhood. A year and a half later, here we are, and I’m just so thankful for the community that has become of this, and the friends I’ve made along the way!

The fact that I can post questions for other moms and actually get answers from so many of you puts a smile on my face.

Yes, I use presets to brighten my photos, but I never want to portray a life that isn’t real. If you watch my stories, you know I’m an open book. I curse; I don’t wear makeup most days; you’ve probably seen my nipples by now; and I try to give you the most helpful and honest opinions about the products I try.

So, if you’re new here - I’m so happy that you’ve joined me. And if you’ve been around a while - thank you for sticking around and being so supportive!