Breast Pumps: The Willow Breast Pump
The Willow Breast Pump is a portable pumping system that allows you to pump on-the-go or hands-free around the house.
I don’t know why this is the only photo I can find with my Willow. I swore I took a million.
I contemplated buying this for a long time. I ended up buying it from my friend who wasn’t producing a lot of milk and found herself not liking this pump. I figured I may as well try it now. I was an over-producer, so for me, this pump worked well, especially to bring with me when I left the house for a few hours. I constantly found myself exploding if Anthony didn’t feed every 2 hours. (I know, the more you pump and feed, the more milk you are going to produce - it’s basic supply and demand.) But, I had a competition going with myself to see how much milk I could actually save up… and I will not be doing this the next go-around. There’s nothing worse than being stuck in traffic, 30 minutes away from your home, with exploding boobs and a screaming child, which actually makes the breasts fill up faster (it is insane how that works). I also figured, I’m going to be sitting in the car anyway, so I may as well kill two birds with one stone.
One thing I will mention is that it is not as discreet as it is made out to be, but it is very convenient. I wasn’t planning on wearing this around Target or Publix, but it does fit in your bra or sports bra well.
Another thing I want to point out is that if you are using this as your sole breast pump, it does get pricey having to purchase the special baggies for the device rather than having a reusable/washable bottle like the non-portable pumps. It can add up quickly, especially if you don’t produce a lot of milk. You can’t reuse the bags, and if you’re pumping 1-2oz at every 30 minute session, it really is not worth it. On the opposite end, if you are an over-producer and produce 4oz or more each session, these bags may be too small for you and you’ll have to use multiple bags per session. My solution to this problem was that I took this pump with me when I was heading out, and at home I solely used the Spectra pump.
If you plan on taking trips when you are breastfeeding and want to pump, this is the way to go. Taking the non-portable pumps is tough. They are very bulky. I took this gem with me to Disney World in the winter and literally pumped under my coat while walking around. This is definitely a plus to the product. It is easy to pack up and light enough to take with you in your diaper bag.
I must say that I got plenty of use out of it and it was worth the money for me. When you’re already tied down to sitting all day long while breastfeeding and holding the newborn, it is nice to be able to walk around and have your hands free for a half an hour.
Overall, I really do recommend this product for those moms that are making milk and are looking for a more convenient way to pump.