The Version of The Mom I Thought I Would Be - & That I Actually Am - Are Totally Different


I think that, years ago, I would have cringed if someone told me that my child will one day want to do his makeup with me. Not because of the typical stereotype of “boys shouldn’t play with that,” but moreso because I needed to have everything organized and clean. The mess that came along with a kid always frightened me. Well, here we are.

My 2.5-year-old son doing his makeup with me while I have his one-month-old brother strapped on, and I’ve never been happier. The house is a mess, the laundry isn’t folded, and there are dishes in the sink... If you would have told 25-year-old me that this was going to be my 30s, again, I would have cringed and said, “no way - my kid is going to be disciplined and clean.” LAUGHING IN MY OWN FACE. My kid bosses me around and leaves me a trail of everything he eats and plays with like Hansel and Gretel...

You have an idea of what kind of mom you’ll be before you become one. Well, the person I thought I would be and the person I actually am, are two completely different people. But it’s working for me.

“My kid won’t have any screen time.”
“I will definitely do Montessori activities daily.”
“He will not have fast food.”
“Sugar will be limited.”

Flash forward to reality: my kid has an iPad. I’ve done, like, 5 activities that are considered Montessori since he was born. His favorite food is Chick-Fil-A. He had a cake pop for breakfast.

People will judge you. Let them. You will most likely be a different version of who you thought you would be.

Accept it. Own it. Love it. Embrace it.