Gift Guide For The First Years & Beyond

  1. Baby Einstein Neptunes Ocean Discovery Jumper ($110) - Recommended for 6 months to 1 year of age. We put Anthony in this as soon as he had good head/neck control (around 3.5 months) and he absolutely LOVED it. He was literally a bouncing machine. It swivels 360 degrees, so when he got bored with one toy, he would turn to another one. It was the only thing that would keep him preoccupied and content for an extended period of time. It has 4 different height positions that are super easy to adjust. The toys and the frame are a breeze to clean, and the seat pad can be machine-washed.

  2. Fisher-Price Sit-Me-Up Floor Seat ($40) - Recommended for 4+ months. This is perfect for when they want to sit up on their own, but can’t yet. We put Anthony in it at around 3.5 months, again when he had strong head control. He really loved being able to sit on his own. We would put him next to us on the couch, and it was great to put in the kitchen with me when I was cooking so that he could see what I was doing. It has a really sturdy base that is foldable to save space for storage or on the go. It comes with two toys that link onto the front of the seat. The seat pad is machine-washable. I chose this over the popular bumbo seat because of the support bar in the front. I felt more confident walking away knowing that he couldn’t fall forward.

  3. VTech Magic Star Learning Table ($39) - Recommended from 6 months to 3 years of age. Great for when they are learning to stand up. It has 6 activities and includes a steering wheel that Anthony really enjoys. What I like most about this is that you can take the activity center off of its legs and use it as a play toy on the floor. So it works great for kids that are sitting and not yet standing. It was super easy to put together.

  4. Zany Zoo (Wooden Activity Cube ($80) - Age recommendation is for 12+ months, but Anthony has been enjoying it since he was pulling himself up on things (around 7 months old). I honestly love this toy simply because it’s wood and it’s really great quality. It’s something that I will want to keep for a long time. It’s super sturdy and durable. It has 5 different sides of fun games and activities.

  5. Casdon Little Helper Dyson ($27) - It is recommended for 3+ years, but Anthony is 1 year old and loves it. He doesn’t necessarily understand the full concept, but he enjoys playing with it nonetheless. I’m sure he will continue to do so as he gets older, and as he ages, he will begin to understand the cause--and-effect relationship that it serves to teach. And here’s the best part… IT ACTUALLY SUCKS UP CRUMBS. That’s right ladies, make your kids earn their keep around the house. (Don’t get me wrong, it is not a strong suction, but it does get the little stuff).

  6. VTech Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker ($35) - As annoying as the music that plays on this can become for a parent, Anthony adores it. I feel that not only has it better entertained him than a lot of his other toys, but it has also played a large part in helping him learn how to walk. Watching the progression from the day we got it until now when he is fully walking on his own, has been amazing. The front panel comes off and, thus, can be a floor play toy or a lap play toy in the car (you’re welcome - this has helped control multiple meltdowns). The walker has gears that adjust the ease with which the walker rolls (i.e. the more sturdy your child gets on his feet, the looser the gears can get). Overall, this was a purchase that I’m very happy with.

  7. Step 2 Push Around Buggy GT Ride On Car ($50) - This was a husband purchase. At first, I was annoyed because we don’t really have room for this thing in our house. To be honest, we don’t have the room for half the crap we’ve accumulated since having our child, but here we are. I hate to admit it, but I actually love this thing, and so does Anthony. We have taken it with us down the sidewalks by the beach and for short walks around the neighborhood. And when I’m too lazy to put on a bra, I push him around the house in it. I store it in the dining room area, and he has grown so attached to it that sometimes I find him just sitting in it in the corner of the room.

  8. Power Wheels Thomas & Friends with Track ($124) - Recommended for 12 months to 3 years of age. This was a grandparent purchase. A purchase that was made after I said, don’t get him a gift for his birthday, just get me a box of wine and give him the box it comes in. They gave it to him right before my husband and I went out for date night. So when we arrived back home, this thing was set up in our kitchen (see photo). Where was my child? Playing in the box it came in (see other photo). Again, I hate to admit it, but THIS TOY IS FREAKING AWESOME. I will not lie, I have taken it for a spin a time or two. The tracks are great for the beginning stages until baby gets a bit older. And the fact that it’s in my kitchen is even better because guess what I get to do while he plays on it - cook. We got rid of the box, and now his focus has been on the train. He will get on it on his own and push the button to move the train himself. Once they get a little older, they can actually ride on the train without the tracks. It can go outside and all around the house. It is seriously fun. Highly recommend this gift. (Thanks, grandparents… you did great)Fisher-Price Sit-Me-Up Floor Seat

My child playing in his box instead of with his toy.

My child playing in his box instead of with his toy.